Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Teknologi Transplantasi sebagai Upaya Konservasi Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Pulau Weh, Aceh

Terumbu karang merupakan habitat sekaligus indikator dari keberadaan ikan di laut. Kerusakan terumbu karang menyebabkan tidak adanya ikan di suatu perairan. Kerusakan bisa disebabkan oleh terinjaknya karang oleh manusia, penggunaan jangkar kapal, dan gelombang air laut. Kegiatan transplantasi terumbu karang merupakan suatu cara untuk memperbaiki dan menumbuhkan karang baru sehingga habitat ikan tetap terjaga. Karang merupakan suatu hewan uniseluler yang hidup berkoloni membentuk polip, sehingga transplantasi merupakan suatu cara efektif untuk menumbuhkan terumbu karang, meski butuh waktu yang lama tetapi cara ini merupakan salah satu upaya konservasi yang perlu dilakukan dan disosialisasikan. Program transplantasi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KKN-PPM UGM 2009 hanya meneruskan dan membantu transplantasi terumbu karang yang dilakukan oleh Rubiah Tirta Diver, salah satu dive shop di Pulau Weh.

Media untuk transplantasi terumbu karang berbentuk kerucut dan berpipa, pemilihan media ini agar ikan-ikan masih dapat berenang bebas disekitar media tersebut, pipa yang dipasang berfungsi untuk mengikat karang kecil. Tim KKN-PPM UGM telah melakukan transplantasi yang meliputi pengecoran, penyusunan komposisi media, pencetakan media, dan pemasangan media transplantasi di laut. Waktu yang digunakan untuk membuat media transplantasi hanya memakan waktu 1-2 hari dan tergantung banyaknya pekerja maupun jumlah. Harapannya masyarakat memiliki kesadaran untuk melestarikan terumbu karang melalui transplantasi terumbu karang sehingga keindahan ekosistem tetap terjaga hingga masa depan. Dalam melakukan transplantasi terumbu karang banyak dibantu oleh Pak Dodent, pemilik Rubiah Tirta Divers dan pegawainya.

Pertama disiapkan media penanaman terumbu karang yang berupa cor-coran sedimen berbentuk trapesium 3 dimensi. Media tersebut dapat dicetak di pantai dan di bagian tengah di pasang pipa PVC atau botol bekas. Fungsi pipa yang di pasang di bagian tengah tersebut adalah sebagai tempat untuk mengikat terumbu karang anakan yang akan ditumbuhkan. Bentuk trapesium 3 dimensional berfungsi agar media dapat bertahan dari arus laut yang sangat kuat sehingga dapat tetap berdiri dan tidak mengganggu terumbu yang ditumbuhkan di media tersebut. Adapun fungsi lainnya adalah agar ketika penyusunan media menjadi blok-blok transplantasi terdapat ruang gerak bagi ikan-ikan. Sehingga ikan dapat memiliki tempat hidup, meskipun terumbu karang belum tumbuh.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah pengikatan terumbu karang anakan di media transplantasi. Misalnya pada gambar di bawah dapat dilihat proses pengikatan salah satu jenis terumbu karang yaitu Acropora sedang diikat di media transplantasi. Pengikatan dilakukan dengan menempelkaan terumbu karang di bagian pipa atau kaleng bekas dengan mengikat menggunakan kabel tip berwarna putih.

Setelah semua media transplantasi telah diikat dengan terumbu karang yang ingin ditumbuhkan, maka media transplantasi tersebut dibiarkan dalam perairan laut selama lebih kurang 3-6 bulan agar terumbu karang anakan tersebut dapat tumbuh. Setelah beberapa bulan, terumbu karang yang ditransplantasi akan tumbuh dan ikan-ikan serta hewan laut lain dapat menjadikan daerah sekitar media transplantasi sebagai habitatnya yang baru, seperti terlihat pada gambar berikut ini.

Jika terumbu karang sudah tumbuh dengan baik dan mulai dewasa, ikan-ikan laut yang termasuk kategori ikan hias akan semakin banyak muncul dan terlihat sangat senang bermain di daerah terumbu karang hasil transplantasi tersebut. Jika terumbu karang sudah sangat dewasa dan tumbuh serta berkembang dengan sangat baik, maka ikan-ikan akan semakin banyak muncul dan jenis ikan yang muncul akan semakin beraneka ragam

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

EAminerals project in Takengon

Takengon East Asia Minerals Corporation announced on February 26, 2007 that it has acquired a 75% interest in the Takengon property which covers approximately 19,000 hectares in Aceh Province, North Sumatra, the most under-explored part of the highly prospective Indonesian archipelago. Under the terms of the joint venture agreement East Asia will initially own a 75% interest in the project with no annual payments or minimum work commitments. The Takengon property encompasses the large, drill ready Collins epithermal gold prospect, a low sulphidation mineralized system associated with an elliptical magnetic feature, a NE-SW trending fault system, and indicative alteration. The mineralization consists of gold-bearing vein swarms and stockwork covering at least 400 by 800 metres. Of particular interest is detailed induced polarization data which suggests that the epithermal veins coalesce below the surface. Assays from several historic channel samples in the veins returned up to 11 ppm gold over 5 metres, along with elevated copper, lead and zinc. In addition to the Collins epithermal gold prospect, the Takengon tenement hosts three other known interesting prospects, identified by historic sampling. These include an outcrop of supergene enriched copper porphyry material immediately adjacent to the Collins prospect containing 2.58% copper and significant elevated gold; a gold-copper skarn mineralization zone returning up to 1 ppm gold and 1240 ppm copper; and another porphyry style mineralization zone just south of the Collins prospect where quartz vein stockworks contain visible chalcopyrite.Initial exploration work at Collins was completed during 1998. Drill targets were selected at that stage but were not drilled due to external issues. East Asia Minerals plans to re-establish these drill pads with minor compilation, confirmatory sampling and mapping, and then begin drilling.
(Takengon East Asia Minerals Corporation announced on February 26, 2007 that it has acquired a 75% interest in the Takengon property which covers approximately 19,000 hectares in Aceh Province, North Sumatra, the most under-explored part of the highly prospective Indonesian archipelago. Under the terms of the joint venture agreement East Asia will initially own a 75% interest in the project with no annual payments or minimum work commitments. The Takengon property encompasses the large, drill ready Collins epithermal gold prospect, a low sulphidation mineralized system associated with an elliptical magnetic feature, a NE-SW trending fault system, and indicative alteration. The mineralization consists of gold-bearing vein swarms and stockwork covering at least 400 by 800 metres. Of particular interest is detailed induced polarization data which suggests that the epithermal veins coalesce below the surface. Assays from several historic channel samples in the veins returned up to 11 ppm gold over 5 metres, along with elevated copper, lead and zinc. In addition to the Collins epithermal gold prospect, the Takengon tenement hosts three other known interesting prospects, identified by historic sampling. These include an outcrop of supergene enriched copper porphyry material immediately adjacent to the Collins prospect containing 2.58% copper and significant elevated gold; a gold-copper skarn mineralization zone returning up to 1 ppm gold and 1240 ppm copper; and another porphyry style mineralization zone just south of the Collins prospect where quartz vein stockworks contain visible chalcopyrite.Initial exploration work at Collins was completed during 1998. Drill targets were selected at that stage but were not drilled due to external issues. East Asia Minerals plans to re-establish these drill pads with minor compilation, confirmatory sampling and mapping, and then begin drilling.
Takengon East Asia Minerals Corporation announced on February 26, 2007 that it has acquired a 75% interest in the Takengon property which covers approximately 19,000 hectares in Aceh Province, North Sumatra, the most under-explored part of the highly prospective Indonesian archipelago. Under the terms of the joint venture agreement East Asia will initially own a 75% interest in the project with no annual payments or minimum work commitments. The Takengon property encompasses the large, drill ready Collins epithermal gold prospect, a low sulphidation mineralized system associated with an elliptical magnetic feature, a NE-SW trending fault system, and indicative alteration. The mineralization consists of gold-bearing vein swarms and stockwork covering at least 400 by 800 metres. Of particular interest is detailed induced polarization data which suggests that the epithermal veins coalesce below the surface. Assays from several historic channel samples in the veins returned up to 11 ppm gold over 5 metres, along with elevated copper, lead and zinc. In addition to the Collins epithermal gold prospect, the Takengon tenement hosts three other known interesting prospects, identified by historic sampling. These include an outcrop of supergene enriched copper porphyry material immediately adjacent to the Collins prospect containing 2.58% copper and significant elevated gold; a gold-copper skarn mineralization zone returning up to 1 ppm gold and 1240 ppm copper; and another porphyry style mineralization zone just south of the Collins prospect where quartz vein stockworks contain visible chalcopyrite.Initial exploration work at Collins was completed during 1998. Drill targets were selected at that stage but were not drilled due to external issues. East Asia Minerals plans to re-establish these drill pads with minor compilation, confirmatory sampling and mapping, and then begin drilling.

EAminerals project in Tangse

TangsePrevious limited drilling by CRA (Conzinc RioTinto Australia) in the 1980s at Tangse outlined a large porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit containing a coherent zone of copper-molybdenum mineralization five kilometres long and one to two kilometres wide. Historical order of magnitude estimates (non-NI 43-101 compliant) are at least 600 million tonnes (Mt) of lower grade material, including a higher grade zone of 30 Mt with grades between 0.3 and 0.8% copper (Cu), and 0.02 to 0.03% molybdenum (Mo) (van Leeuwen et al, 1987). The Tangse porphyry system has been subjected to widespread supergene enrichment. This is most prevalent in the higher grade, hypogene portion of the deposit where the primary copper grade has reportedly been upgraded by a factor of 1.5 to 3, to grades in excess of 1% copper. EAS exploration will initially focus on this enriched zone. The Tangse project has excellent logistics, and is located only 100 kilometres to the southeast of the Provincial capital of Banda Aceh. It is adjacent to a main regional highway and the power grid.Referencesvan Leeuwen, T.M., Taylor, R.P., and Hutagalung, J., 1987, The geology of the Tangse porphyry copper-molybdenum prospect, Aceh, Indonesia: Economic Geology, v. 82, 27-42

east asia minerals corporation project in aceh province, indonesia

Miwah is a high-level, high sulphidation epithermal gold prospect. The Miwah Gold Prospect was partially defined by approximately 3,000 metres of drilling in eleven holes by a previous explorer in 1997. All holes drilled during this program intersected significant alteration and mineralization with intercepts including 71 metres of 1.4 g/t gold and 58 metres of 1.1 g/t gold. The previous explorer suggested potential for 100 Mt at 1.1 to 1.2 g/t gold, however a review of the historical data indicates that early drilling was parallel to higher grade (greater than 5 g/t gold) structures at surface. Hence, in addition to greater mineralized tonnage, significantly higher overall grades are anticipated from better geological understanding, results of the Company's detailed sampling, and properly oriented drill holes.Based on the Company's work Miwah is resolving into two components; a large 1,200 metre long, 300 to 400 metre wide, approximately 200 metre thick tabular zone; and vertical diatreme breccia feeder zones that are beneath and cut through this. Within the tabular zone East Asia has over 2,000 metres of rock sawn channel samples which average 1.2 g/t gold (see summary table below). Ongoing sampling verified the Company's confidence that higher overall gold grades can be achieved due to the presence of multiple high grade rock sawn channel samples throughout the strike, including 4.11 g/t gold over 200 metres at the eastern part of the gold zone, and 4.35 g/t gold over 27 metres at the western part. Recent drilling has supported this. In addition to the tabular zone the Company has begun to characterize some of the diatreme breccia feeder zones, with rock sawn channel samples including 83.59 g/t gold over 24 metres and 20.14 g/t gold over 12 metres. Recent drilling has supported this. These feeder zones have great potential to develop into substantial tonnages of higher grade gold mineralization in an area adjacent to the Main Miwah Gold Zone.The Miwah Property is in a very similar volcanic setting to the Martabe gold-silver deposit, also located in North Sumatra (Purnama and Baskara resources: 127.8 million tonnes at 1.4 g/t gold (5.5 million ounces gold) and 15 g/t silver (60 million ounces silver), and the alteration system is of a comparable size. Miwah also exhibits a likeness to the size, style and geometry of the alteration system developed at the Pierina gold deposit in Peru (67.7 Mt grading 2.98 g/t gold and 22 g/t silver, giving a total 6.49 million ounces gold and 47.9 million ounces silver)*.EAS is currently drilling at Miwah (see drill summary below). In September 2009 EAS announced that based on consistent strong gold results across the mineralized body diamond drilling will continue uninterrupted for approximately 45 holes to gather the information required to complete a NI43-101 resource estimate.